Foundation Church Belfast

Four Seasons of Church Life



In this personal message, David Varney teaches on the Four Seasons of Church Life as understood from the perspective of Israel's experience. In Deuteronomy, Moses addresses the entire covenant community before they cross over the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land. Church planting can sometimes feel like a long period in the wilderness, but we see from Deuteronomy 8 that there is purpose in the wilderness - God means for us to grow in humility and faith, to depend on him above everything else in life. Wilderness is not fun, but it is necessary. It is only there that growth in humility and faith can truly develop. In this sermon we discuss each of the four seasons a church may find itself in, and think about how we may progress towards longterm health and multiplication. Wilderness Established Declining Death Main Text Deuteronomy 8:1-20 Preacher David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast Foundation Church Belfast We are a gospel-centred, Spirit-empowered community on mission. We meet ev