Insightful Conversations With Del

Rohini Ross and Julieanne Chazotte



Please join me right now on my "Insightful Conversations with Del Adey-Jones" Facebook page, as I welcome Rohini Ross and Julieanne Chazotte. Together we are going to be talking about “Reimagining Our Spiritual Communities….. Loving, Authentic Conversations Around Healing Racism”Rohini is the co-founder of The Rewilders, where she and her partner Angus Ross, help individuals, couples and organizations rewild themselves back to their natural state of peace, balance, and harmony. They also co-facilitate the online Rewilding Community - a supportive group experience, designed to help you break free from limiting conditioning, so you can uncover and recover your natural rewilded state.Julie is a co-founder of SimpleSHIFT, a forthcoming platform based on the "Three Principles" understanding, whose mission it is to help people create more health, well-being, and ease across all areas of life and the way we do business. With master’s degrees, in education and in spiritual psyc