Jon Bowne Politix

JBP 23: Modern Music Held Hostage, AOC's GND Tanks, Border Collapses, Biden Sniffs



JBP 23 Jon Bowne digs into the peculiar secrets lingering in a corporate dark cave where unseen forces in industry, government and social control meet to pollute the great American dream. Because unbeknownst to many of us just trying to have a little free time to decompress on the weekends, and enjoy our God given rights after slaving away to pay our bills and our taxes, there have been devilish idle hands at work for over a century.Jon Bowne digs into the peculiar secrets lingering in a corporate dark cave where unseen forces in industry, government and social control meet to pollute the great American dream. Because unbeknownst to many of us just trying to have a little free time to decompress on the weekends, and enjoy our God given rights after slaving away to pay our bills and our taxes, there have been devilish idle hands at work for over a century. Whether its Quiet weapons for silent wars. The Frankfurt School undermining liberty's beacons of higher learning, Fabian socialist main stream