Jon Bowne Politix

JBP39- The DNC Supports Treason



YOUTUBE-JBP39- The DNC Supports TreasonAmerica its okay to be angry. And you should voice that anger at all costs to the four winds. I awoke this morning after dreaming about the unrelenting chaos in our nation. A chaos born of half truths, marxist fantasy, Anti Americanism, and self loathing by a spoiled generation that was handed everything. You fools are embarrassing yourselves. One day you will look to my generation Generation X and you may want to take a note. We aren’t boomers. One day when you are thankful for everything you have worked for and only want a sane and happy existence for your children you will apologize at least to yourselves for your treasonous tantrums and we will solidly tell you to eat shit. A lot of you will be doing it from behind bars. Because jail is the only reasonable place for you. You are a generation of assholes. Everything you are doing to the average American will end up coming back to you 100 fold. And while you are sitting in prison. Experiencing true racism from the neo