Jon Bowne Politix

JBP 45- Bumblin Biden Fumbles America Into A Sinkhole



Good evening. Yep I’ll admit it I’ve been M.I.A. on the Daily news collective website. Ive had a fun month and a half of restoring power and plumbing after the ice storm with plumbers still booked up until mid April. I have been up to my ankles in broken pvc. But the water is flowing again. Meanwhile, in my absence  Biden’s war on America continued on.Thanks for tuning into Jon Bowne Politix. Please subscribe if you haven't already at It is our mission to bring you some semblence of truth in this crumbling Once Great Republic that has spiraled into a corpracratic mono culture on the verge of disaster. You can find us at Jon Bowne Reports on Jon Bowne Politix on youtube. Bowne Reports on And as always a big thanks to