Operating A Profitable Restaurant

Shift Schedules: A Complete Guide



If you manage a restaurant, you already know how important shift scheduling is. But are your shift schedules working in the best interest of your staff and entire restaurant? Given the unique demands of scheduling shifts – after all, less than half of U.S. restaurant workers are full-time employees – it helps to understand how this underrated aspect of managing your restaurant can make or break your operation. RASI’s complete restaurant accounting services help support your shift scheduling tasks, thanks to an innovative data analytics platform that provides timely information so you can make the best possible shift schedules. Read the full Blog Post: https://rasiusa.com/blog/shift-schedules-a-complete-guide/ Watch the Quick Snippet Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wquYDBibesY Social Handles: RASI Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rasinc__/ RASI Twitter: https://twitter.com/RASInc_RASI Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RestaurantAccountingServicesInc RASI LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.c