Decoding Excellence

Mini-Episode: Updates from Colorful Colorado



In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, I'm discussing some of the new things we're doing around University of Colorado Boulder. It's been some time since I've been behind the microphone and I'm just dusting off the thing. We talk about some of the new technologies we're utilizing within our athletic department, some of the new pre-participation athlete benchmarking we're conducting, and a general run-down of our summer staff. It was a fun show where I break out the microphone and headphones and get rapping about what's on my mind. If your a fan of sports performance technologies, it's usage within high performance sport organizations, I think you'll get A LOT out of this show. As a reminder, our Random Shows shows are a quick 15-25 minute episode where I typically discuss current industry trends, research reads, current events, and occasionally offer my insights into the training process that we're undertaking each week. I believe with conviction, you'll take away something interesting from this sho