Inner Source Alchemy

ISA 005 •⌇Allowing The Wise Woman⌇



This episode builds slow at first- but it’s all necessary for the wisdom to come through! Main themes & topics discussed: •Motherhood initiating more creativity and purpose. •Capri’s current placement in her menstrual cycle and why it matters • The four major women archetypes: maiden, mother, wild woman, crone/wise woman; their macro expression and micro- expressed through a natural menstrual cycle. •How Capri began giving birth to her baby before she even physically conceived her. •The importance of honoring and allowing our individual wise woman for our personal evolution and to bring balance to society. *After the end/closing comments stay tuned for a bonus segment which is a reading of a wonderfully ridiculous 1940s kotex ad and a quick brief about how it relates to the topics at hand.* ~ Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but not least). Send a voice clip to be featured in an episode. 5. (also not least) Pass the po