Inner Source Alchemy

ISA 006 •⌇Energetic Boundaries for a Harmonious Winter Season⌇



Discussed: • The energy of Winter, how we can get out of alignment with it, which may show up as SAD or seasonal depression. • The awareness of personal energetic boundaries and being able to act in respect to them as well as communicate clearly to others as a way to prevent spiraling into overwhelm/nervous system overload. • Capri shares a recent experience that almost completely threw her off. •The importance of creating space in our life and taking in less mindless information (even if its inspirational!). •Taking advantage of the Winter to tap into and trust our inner voices, instead of masking it with everyone else’s. • Capri shares a bit about her past experience in a Traditional Lakota Inipi (sweat lodge) and how she is preparing for one coming up. • Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but not least). Send a voice clip to be featured in an episode. 5. (also not least) Pass the podcast on to friends!