Inner Source Alchemy

ISA 008 • ⌇What’s Really Going On⌇



Capri susses out what it means to be actually vulnerable vs “performative vulnerability”. In the spirit of flexing her true vulnerability muscle she shares about her current situation/life struggles. How focusing on the positive going through this experience with Tim has built strength during the (quiet possibly) hardest time of their lives and for sure in their relationship. Capri opens up about how she has wrestling feelings of helplessness as a stay at home Mom, her career path and the carrot in front of her. Within this podcast Capri relays the importance she feels about being down to earth/truthful about life, failures and setbacks... and not just always taking it as an opportunity to preach like an enlightened wise one. Last but not least she touches on how Feng Shui and more minimalism in her new home has been helping re-shape her subconscious tendencies and work more efficiently toward goals. • Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the so