Inner Source Alchemy

ISA • 009 ⌇Breakdown Of The Facade⌇



Capri realizes how she was so attached to a facade and then the whole thing came crumbling down. Leaving her with the truth of how that attachment was not serving her and was ultimately just that - a facade. This insight came in the form of wedding planning for her event which happens in one month (!!!). Important planetary/astrological themes and recent changes are discussed. We all can benefit from getting real about our un beneficial/counter productive (on a soul level) relationships to various facades which come in many forms including images, business (and “businesses”), and ultimately share a seat with our ego. • Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but not least). Send a voice clip to be featured in an episode (simply record on phone and email to ) 5. (also not least) Pass the podcast on to friends!