Inner Source Alchemy

ISA • 018⌇Unlearning Time⌇



One of the most overarching conditionings that has pressed upon us in our Western society is the linear time system. It is efficient and effective but it suffocates an important quality in our lives. One that is more deeply in-touch with natural rhythms within ourselves, earth and beyond. The rise of the Feminine principal (in all of us and societies at large) calls us to really look at the conditioning time has had on our lives and begin to free ourselves from our co-dependent and symptomatic relationship with it. This isn’t about dropping everything and sailing in the breeze, it’s about long term resiliency, perspective and sustainable creation.   Please support this podcasts wellbeing by: 1. Subscribing 2. Rating/Reviewing 3. Commenting or Q’s on the socials and 4 (but not least). Send a voice clip to be featured in an episode (simply record on phone and email to ) 5. (also not least) Pass the podcast on to friends!