Inner Source Alchemy

ISA • 019⌇Filling The Mother Cup⌇



This episode is about showing up as is. Capri talks about feeling the need to bring more elements into her full Mothering life that bring her back to herself. Motherhood is a very earthly and grounding job, one that Capri was not accustomed to and has been a big adjustment. She looks back at her Maiden years with a sense of admiration and gratitude for all of the free time spent focusing on herself- doing all the things and reading all the self help books. And most importantly, being with herself in reflection, meditation and of course so much learning. All of which contributed to a strong sense of inner sureness. There wasn’t much outside influences in her life.. she ran her own show and found inspiration along the way from an inner compass. As compared to now, with the change of daily life... she noticed less inner sureness, that feels foreign to her. This episode explores what might contribute to that (and takes a small detour into a rant of her observations of the watered down, fragmented and over-copied