Inner Source Alchemy

ISA • 021⌇I Left My Midwives For a Wild Pregnancy & Free Birth⌇



In this important episode, Capri shares (in a round-about way) a bit of her previous/first baby's birth story and how that influenced plans for her current pregnancy and next birthing experience, She went into her first pregnancy and birth with a greater dependence on her care providers, less knowledge and more naivety. Circumstances out of her control led her into the unexpected position of birthing in her (almost) complete power - without her providers assistance, which proved to be incredibly mind-opening and game changing.  After this, there was no turning back. Over the last few years, her interest in the intersection of birth as a money making medical industry (for doctors and midwives alike) and birth as a natural, normal timeless physiological event has grown. The contrast of seeing/hearing/observing all the vast experiences and perspectives women have of birthing "in the system", all while being connected to a large diverse network of women who are having wild, autonomous free births - is blinding. T