Remember The Fallen Show



VA Disability ? Are you getting a Fair VA Disability Decision, we hope you are with all that you have sacrificed for our country but too often Veterans Mistakenly Think a VA Doctor's Diagnosis & Percentages Are Fair and Final. Veterans are not researching enough to find a Physician Trained in Legal Medicine to Support Their Claim. Well, Look No more, Remember The Fallen Show has done the research for you. As a Professor of Legal Medicine, John W. Ellis, M.D., Captain, U.S. Army, Flight Surgeon - Vietnam as Doc states " Our Veterans served our country. They do not have to accept incorrect VA denials and disability rating percentages. Ellis clinic offers to help by providing Expert Medical Opinion Reports proving the veteran's injuries, illnesses and consequential conditions are service connected and by providing fair and correct disability percentages. God Bless. If you feel, that your VA Doctor's Diagnosis & Percentages Are Not Fair stay tuned to the show every Thursday night at 8:00 PM Eastern Time t