Human Resources For Small Business

Clearing the Path to Workplace Equity with Tara Jaye Frank



A waymaker is an active leader who opens doors, removes barriers, and ushers people through to greater levels of contribution. In this episode, Brandon Laws sits down with Tara Jaye Frank, author of The Waymakers, to discuss the inspiration behind her new book, a roadmap for fostering workplace equity. Listen in and learn how to recognize and seize opportunities to interrupt systems and processes that hinder equity in the workplace.   TAKEAWAYS Inequity is rooted in power dynamics which exist in almost every system in which we work. When we determine who to hire, who to promote, or who to invite into a certain room where information is being disseminated, we are witnessing power dynamics at work.  Power is usually concentrated within a select group of people, and whether that power is or is not shared dictates the degree to which other people can succeed. Equitable outcomes are tied to equitable opportunities, and not everyone gets access to those opportunities. If we don't train ourselves to interrupt some