Game Time With Manny

Episode 204 - TGS Means Something Again



You may have been asking yourself why there wasn't a podcast uploaded on the 16th and the answer is that I'm an idiot! We recorded it and I totally forgot to upload it! Today is a Wednesday and I came home to record a new episode early. So now thanks to that you get not one, but TWO episodes in a week. I'll upload the old one today and the new one on Friday. What might this out of date episode have in it you ask? Well, we talk about all the hot TGS announcements that you've already heard all about. I get VERY excited. Then to finish it off we talk about what we've been playing. Matt started Spec Ops the Line and finished a few things. While I finished Xenoblade Chronicles 3 finally and started in on Splatoon 3. ENJOY!