Your Mileage May Vary

Taboo Topics, Women Triaging Dates, Transitioning To Sex, Men Crying During Fingering



Reunited finally after Keith's long séjour in Europe, we wrap up our conversation about psychedelics before moving on to all manner of taboo (and honestly potentially triggering) topics. Women often face the problem of a series of men who say more or less the same things on dating apps, so it's hard to know which first date will go well, and which will just be awful. Is there a better way for them to figure this out without wasting hours on terrible dates? Or, are the incels right and women are all just dating the top 10% of attractive guys anyway? How bad is it if a guy starts crying during sex? What's the best way to transition to sex once your date has agreed to "come up to your place"? We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: Twitter: @ymmvpod Facebook: ymmvpod Email: