Building A Better Dave

The Male - An Endangered Species?



I am worried about men. I think we are an endangered species. Here is why: SPORTS We listen to sportscasters who are making millions talk about athletes who are making millions for team owners who make billions. There are dedicated radio stations that talk about nothing else than how the team is doing, and what they need to do to win. None of that talk has any effect on the team. Zero FOOTBALL COMMERCIALS Then when you watch a football game, you always have: 1. The spokesmodel who didn't play football but is STUNNINGLY beautiful who will "pass it over" to people who actually played the game. She can also do that special piece during breast cancer awareness month. 2. There will be boner pill commercials, cause you know...priorities 3. Remedies for baldness. We will ship it to you in a private box - because nobody knows you're bald. 4. Trucks. Big trucks with deep voiceovers. These trucks have power unlike your small penis, which needs a blue pull to function. 5. Beer. If you can't afford a large truck you head