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The Karate Kid Part II



As part of Sequel September, we're covering the second installment in The Karate Kid franchise ... Part II! From 1986, this movie picks up right where the first movie left off, yes that's right -  in the boy's locker room! Danielson is fresh off the mats after crane kicking the shit out of Johnny Lawrence! However, Part II takes us on a journey to Okinawa, to wade through a love triangle Mr. Miyagi left behind 40 years ago! Lucky us! So this movie is a bit quieter than the other two in the franchise and has a bit lesson action (though it does have a typhoon!), but pretty much the same amount of Danielson getting his ass whooped by karate assholes and another tricky move by Mr. Miyagi (ooo the drum!). We'll talk a lot about Cobra Kai and the character reversal good old Chozen gets, induct Danielson into the Sweetie Club once and for all, and come to the conclusion that Mr. Miyagi's brand of karate should be called "How To Dupe Some Kid To Do Your Household Chores".