RIA Weekly

Episode 377: Coffee is for closers



This week we discuss Oracle’s Cloud Growth(?), Starbuck’s blockchain-based loyalty program and André Staltz’s “Time Till Open Source Alternative” article. Plus, some thoughts on free coffee… Runner-up Titles It’s about me Workshop it I stand with the workers of Goldman Sachs This is their Popeye moment Pulitzers and free coffee Financial shenanigans Hide the gift shop in the data center Rundown No more free coffee as bankers return to Goldman Sachs (https://fortune.com/2022/09/12/goldman-sachs-eliminates-free-coffee-business-powerhouses-trimming-perk-employees-return-office/) Oracle on Verge of Becoming World’s Hottest Cloud Vendor (https://accelerationeconomy.com/cloud-wars/oracle-on-verge-of-becoming-worlds-hottest-cloud-vendor/) Starbucks details its blockchain-based loyalty platform and NFT community, Starbucks Odyssey (https://techcrunch.com/2022/09/12/starbucks-unveils-its-blockchain-based-loyalty-platform-and-nft-community-starbucks-odyssey/) André Staltz - Time Till Open Source Alternative (https://st