Cups And Convos

Beating the Odds FT Merced Verbena



This episode we talk about beating the odds and what that may look like through a successful point of view. Our show guest Merced talks about her experiences with this very topic and how she was able to thrive through unfortunate circumstances. Take Away Notes: 1)Believe in yourself. Our passions often follow us from a young age and we have to know who we are enough to know what we are called to do. 2. Take a step. Leaps of faith are actually steps of faith. Don’t worry about what’s next. Just step out on what God called you to do. 3. Lastly don’t give up. You will be tested, you will feel weak and you may have doubts. Every great legacy takes time and if you give up... what were you ever fighting for? Our Guest: IG @mercedjackson @mercedverbena