Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 2 - Round 2 - Episode 20 - Ann Zaprazny v Kimya Nuru Dennis



Funkquest- Season 2- Episode 20- Ann Z v Kimya DennisAnn began the game with Question 1; about her knowledge of CPR (Cardiopulmmonary Resuscitation). She learned how to do it for a babysitting couse when younger and although not used for used for years, felt sure it would kick in when needed.Kimya was excited about the fact that technology is helping to reach those who are in need.Question 2: Ann found that she rolled her eyes, mostly because her children were very critical of her even when she has been helping them. (Just Typical).Kimya answered the same question, rolling her eyes at people who constantly say things like 'we're all in the same boat' especially in the times of Coronavirus. She felt that to have a unifying experience, people need to understand their differences.Question 3 was about Radical Action - and Kimya felt that being able to challenge the key decision makers of the world and speaking out was good.Ann was asked where she would like to visit - citing Iceland and Alaska as places she woul