Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 2 - Quarter Final 3 - Ann Smith v Lisa Pezik



FunkQuest -Quarter Final3 - Ann Smith v Lisa PezikAnn and Lisa are the third pair to play in the FunkQuest quarter finals and are old hands at this by now.​Lisa started play with the answer to 'How many questions do you ask? - She always has to ask at least 5 why questions deep - this is so she can get to the true answer.Anns first question 'Where have you seen a ghost' might have been a tricky one but she was certainly able to come up with a good 'ghost story'.​Leaving her family house and home in America when she got married and moving all the way to live in Canada - a place she know nothing about, ​ actually learning to live there was ​ Lisas greatest achievement.Question 2 for Ann ​could have seem quite personal but her answer about finding satisfaction was that she was surprised by ​her husband​, she's not easily surprised​ and that was very satisfying.​Her third answer - Lisa revealed, ​that if she was to be a secret ​code name it would be Detective Fierce and Ferocious (DFF) as she can be very protecti