Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest -Season 2 - Semi Final 1 - Alyson Lex v Dr. Kimya Nuru Dennis



FunkQuest -Season 2 - Semi Final 1 - Alyson Lex v Dr. Kimya Nuru DennisWe are now at the Semi Final stage of FunkQuest season 2 and taking part ​are 2 very experienced Funksters, so listen well.The round began with Alyson choosing the 'city scape icon'. The way she tends to remember things is through Mnemonics (using ​easier words/ images to remember more complicated or multiple ideas), She first learned this at high school.Kimyas first question was 'How many questions do you ask'. Her answer was; that if people are interested in what you have to say they will ask questions, if they are mostly silent you will find that they are thinking about other things and not really listening. ​Question 2 for Kimya was about her greatest achievement. She remembers speaking out at a board meeting when others were quiet ​, knowing that something had not been done when it should have. She also felt that keeping close to family during Covid 19 was an achievement too.Alysons second answer involved a very comfy chair​, which w