Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 3 - Episode 4 - WT Hamilton v Zakary Haines



FunkQuest -Season 3 - Episode 4 - WT Hamilton v Zakary Haines​Wayne (WT) and Zak are the last players, before the semi finals, in this short season 3.Wayne chose the 'guitar' icon for his first question 'How do you see yourself physically?' He sees himself as very sexy (ha ha). He went to the gym before covid 19 to burn off the calories he gets from drinking beer.Zac re​vealed he has moved house many times ​through his teenage years, he has been settled for the last 3 years. He doesn't like the new year, as it is during those cold months he used to move. He has however mastered the art of packing boxes.Question 2 - ​Wayne likes small gathering rather than big parties, as the conversations flow more easily and stories can be told again and again.Zak thought about a variety of ​Artists who could​ paint his portrait but chose Leonard de Vinci, because of the way he thought out of his realm and pushed himself differently in his era in timeThe 'squirrel' icon question; ​reminded Zac ​of the american magician 'Chri