Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 4 - Episode 8 - Lora Cheadle v Joshua Shea



Question 1Joshua beg​an the game by choosing the 'Pizza slice'What is your biggest regret?Lora chose the 'Rose'Where did you last lose your car keys?Question 2Joshua chose the 'football players'What is the worst thing you did in someone else's house?Lora chose the 'Trick Cyclist'How often did you get into to trouble when you were younger?Question 3​Joshua plumped for the 'mushrooms'Which songs evoke​ the best memories?​Lora ​liked the look of the 'Parrot'What have you managed or tried to rescue?​​Question 4​​Joshua went for the 'Hipsters meeting'​​​What would be your last meal if you were on Death Row?​Lora claimed hands down on the 'Luxury swimming pool'When did you last start a new hobby?​​Question 5​Joshua chose the 'Traditional Band'Where is the most peaceful place you have been to?​Lora picked the ​'Carousel'What was the last thing you've won?​​​​​