Story Worthy

Gary Busey Tried To Make Out With Me with Filmmaker Jessie Kahnweiler



Filmmaker Jessie Kahnweiler was working as a PA on a movie when she found herself alone with Gary Busey. And then she says- "Gary Busey Tried to Make Out With Me!" Yuck! Plus, Christine and Hannes talk Hollywood and the difficulties of the business. Listen to this Worthy Story BEFORE you move out to LA! Here's a few links to help you get the most out of Story Worthy- if you're listening on an iPhone, all you need to do is tap the cover art while the show is playing, and you'll see the episode notes, including the links. There is one to subscribe, please do! There's one to our Facebook page and to our email address. We'd love to hear from you, either there, or on our survey at You'll also find some special deals courtesy of our sponsors like Hello Fresh (promo code STORY30) Casper Mattress, and Audible (promo code STORYWORTHY). It's good karma guys! See our Privacy Policy at and our California Privacy Notice at