An Honorable Mention W/ Shane & Jeff

Episode 38: The Conclusion



November 2003 was a huge month in the young life of ROH, and for our co-host Shane Hagadorn as well. It was the very first time Ring of Honor ran a double-shot weekend, and those two events were also the culmination of 5 shows from October 16th - November 29th; not a lot now but at the time, it was totally uncharted territory. For Shane, it was the month he left Michigan & moved to Pennsylvania to start the ROH school under CM Punk, while this event marked the very 1st one he worked as part of the crew.Join Shane and Jeff as they dip back in the waters of late 2003 and discuss the experiences of being on the other side of the guardrail for the first time, of meeting some of the locker room, and the experiences of meeting a hero in Raven.Of course they discuss the event itself, more Field of Honor "love", the distasteful end of the DVD production, and a whole lot more!-=-=-=-=-=-=The Conclusion11/28/03Fairfield, CTDark Tag Team MatchBison & Slugga vs. The Solution (Havok & Papadon)Dark MatchJimmy