An Honorable Mention W/ Shane & Jeff

Episode 187: Glory By Honor III (Presented by



You voted and the election, like all other important ones was not rigged. This time instead of voting for party, we voted for a party. Glory By Honor III was the choice and what a night it was at the Rex Plex (RIP)!A show on the 3 year anniversary of the horrible tragedies of 9/11/01 near New York City, it was a somber yet patriotic filled night for fans in attendance. Samoa Joe defends his ROH World Title against Anarchist Doug Williams on a quest to reclaim ROH gold. The same can be said for future Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness as he and current ROH Pure Champ John Walters threw down an absolute classic. CM Punk, Austin Aries, and of course the other stars of the era were prevalent. Was Mick Foley going to join the Embassy in his ROH Debut? Does anyone have the endurance to survive ULTIMATE ENDURANCE? Find out, only on Glory By Honor III from Elizabeth, New Jersey on Episode 187 of An Honorable Mention with Jeff Schwartz (MrJeffSchwartz0) & co-pilot Shane Hagadorn (HagadornShane)!Matches:Jimmy