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ITEST Webinar - Counterfeit: The Psychology of Pornography (October 23, 2021)



The Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology presents Dr. Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco in Counterfeit: The Psychology of Pornography -- The Science, the Effect on your Marriage or Vocation, and the Gospel Take on It (October 23, 2021)This presentation will look at understanding why persons of both sexes engage in pornography, and how it affects their relationships. The particular emphasis here is on matrimony and the wounds pornography inflicts, even when one spouse is unaware of the use of pornography. What is the draw? How does pornography connect with other mental health disorders? What is its psychological function and how does it affect marital intimacy? What about when pornography is engaged in together by a couple? Why and how is this still harmful to their relationship? What are the underlying areas that need developing and healing for a person to overcome it? What happens when these are not specifically addressed and the person just stops cold turkey? Are there still risks? If so