Zalaina Carp

iMEOW 4Mental Well being



We must #stand Intercontinentally for our human brothers and sisters who can not. We do not have to Grief for our entire existence a human being would Never subject Another HUMAN BEING to that treatment.. Perhaps there is another Race an inhumane race of people that are harmful not only to the mind of others but to their physical health. How do we have a system of Labor that does not recognize a human beings REALITY! The reality that if one is so busy distracted distorted that their ability to to Cope becomes debilitating their ability to function becomes stagnant and their perceptions of love shattered! We must Understand that our Mental Health is A movement of its own that this system negates so we must take a responsible role and that is why my Company is needed across the globe.. #tohealing #iMEOW Remember Mind Over Matter #MOM Ask yourself are you more mentally impaired than your government or does your Body of Government seem to be Mentally Unhealthy for YOU!   &nbs