Business Jazz

(Rebroadcast of Season 1, Episode 12): Guiding Words



This is a rebroadcast of an episode from the first season of BusinessJazz. It first went live on 4th January 2013. The original show notes (beware of outdated information): It's that time of year again when we tell ourselves we're going to put our best foot forward - change a few things. Some changes will be quite radical; some less so. They will all make our lives better. Change isn't easy, though. Before you know it, your resolutions are in the waste paper basket, along with last year's. Chris Brogan has a suggestion for you. Instead of committing yourself to radical change in the shape of ambitious resolutions, he recommends choosing three words that will act as your guides in the year ahead. They will be beacons for you to steer a course by; criteria on which to base decisions. Paul and Roger discuss this concept and reveal some of their words for 2013. They also talk about the inevitable: Failure. At some time in 2013, we will all fall down. Most probably, we'll do it repeatedly. Then what?