Academy Podcast

Living as God's Beloved with Larry Peacock



In this Academy Podcast episode, Rev. Larry Peacock reminds us of our essential nature as God’s beloved. Larry is the Director of the Franciscan Spiritual Center in Milwaukie, Oregon, has led retreats and workshops for groups and churches across the country and is the author of "The Living Nativity – Preparing for Christmas with St Francis," and "Openings: A Daybook of Saints, Sages, Psalms and Prayer Practices" and many articles on liturgy and spirituality. He pastored United Methodist churches in England, Michigan, and California for 30 years before moving to Massachusetts to become Executive Director of Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center. After being a participant in the Academy for Spiritual Formation, he became a retreat leader and faculty presenter for the Academy. He is trained as a spiritual director and has made pilgrimages to Assisi, Iona, Taize, walked the last 100 Km of the Camino de Santiago and taught at Boston University School of Theology. He is married to author Rev. Anne Broyles and