American Family Farmer

Allen Lash talks AgriSolutions and the FamilyFarms Group



ALLEN LASH is President and CEO of AgriSolutions, Inc. and CEO of FamilyFarms Group. He is a widely recognized leader in the area of future agriculture direction, business and management structures, and financial management for agriculture.Mr. Lash was an early leader in the Farm Financial Standards Council, with commodity associations such as the National Pork Producers Council and the Corn and Soybean Association.  He was also an early leader of the Northeast Dairy Standards Council group in Pennsylvania and New York, participating in the initial stages. The purpose of this group was to define financial standards for the dairy industry. FAMILY FARMS GROUP was established in 2006, and is headquarted near St. Louis, MO. It represents more than 1.5 million acres of row crop production throughout North America. It is a member-owned network of family farm operators, agricultural experts and suppliers, working to help preserve the legacy of family farms as consolidation hits the row crop industry.Find out more at