Rekt Reviews

04/21/16 "Hardcore Henry" & "The Jungle Book" Get Rekt



The REKT crew start off by paying respects to Prince who passed away that day and getting all the tangential nonsense out of the way before delving into reviewing Hardcore Henry (which only 1.75% of the crew has actually watched.) Chris offers his opinions, Erik having watched only half of the movie offers half his opinions, Paul, having watched only the first 10 minutes offers his 10 cents, and Shark who is absent altogether has no opinion to offer.The crew then goes on to talk about the semi-live action remake of Jon Favreau's "The Jungle Book". A gorgeous movie by all accounts, fun to watch in 3-D, works overall with a few drawbacks being songs that don't feel like they fit (and sung badly by actors who are not singers), a lot of the voice-overs being done by very well known actors (like Bill Murray) making it difficult to not picture said actor in a sound booth and thus taking the viewer somewhat out of the experience, and finally a fairly stiff performance by child actor Neel Sethi as Mowgli (though per