Rekt Reviews

11/13/16 Strange Days - "Dr. Strange" Gets Rekt



While America licks its wounds from this week's presidential election, the Rekt Krew focuses on the truly important issues. In this episode we review the latest addition to the Marvel Universe - "Dr. Strange". On one hand the movie is visually very imaginative and trippy but copies too much of it's mind-bending visuals from Christopher Nolan's "Inception", something Erik and Shark have a hard time forgiving. Another sticking point is that Benedict Cumberbatch's portrayal of Dr. Strange, while sharp and entertaining, seems to also be a very near copy of Robert Downey Jr.'s version of Iron Man.Paul seemed to enjoy Dr. Strange the most, being a sucker for metaphysical mumbo-jumbo and medical jargon that doesn't insult the viewer's intelligence. Eric was most impressed with the movie's ending, where Dr. Strange triumphs by relying on his intellect and cunning, rather than the typical choice by comic book movies to end a conflict with the biggest punch or a large explosion.