Ed Boston Podcast Network

Are East and West Coasts All That Matter to the Elite? Jim Gibson Gives His Take



  Bill Maher is taking heat for mocking the midwest on Friday’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO). When former Trump executive, Jim Gibson, heard Maher’s remarks, he was instantly reminded of a long ago meeting at CBS. 20 years later, nothing has changed. The Hollywood elites looked down their noses then, and continue to do so today.  Here's what happened to Gibson while working between (President) Donald J. Trump and (now-disgraced) CBS President, Les Moonves. Gibson has been involved with the Miss Universe Organization since 1976. He has hosted hundreds of their pageants on all levels around the globe, including Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA. Gibson’s friendship with Trump began in the 90’s when he contacted Trump to make him aware that the Miss Universe Organization was up for sale. He knew that other potential bidders were interested in purchasing the pageant, but surmised that Trump was the only person capable of rebuilding the pageant that