Wise Women Conversations

What is Personalised Health?



Everyone has tried diets that didn’t work or have found out that what used to work doesn’t work now.  Every woman’s experience of menopause is different  some have hot flashes and night sweats and others don’t some put on weight and others lose it some have excruciating joint pain and others don’t there are so many different symptoms associated with menopause and no 2 women have the same experience Your experience of menopause is unique to you, this is why what works for others might not work for you.  It is time to get rid of the cookie cutter approach when it comes to menopause and start seeing every woman as the unicorn that they are.  This is what personalised health is all about, recognising your uniqueness and creating a solution that will work for you So what makes you different to every other woman on the planet – your genes? (except for identical twins but I will get to that in a minute) Your genes determine How tall or short you are What your natural hair, skin and e