Wise Women Conversations

Listening to the Messages from your body



Every single day you receive messages from your body, some messages are louder than others. Have you ever heard them? The only way in which your body can communicate with you is through symptoms, these are the messages from your body. The human body spends its entire life trying to stay in balance, this is what we call homeostasis. When your body is out of balance you will experience symptoms while the body tries to re-balance itself again. If you don’t listen to the messages and the situation doesn’t change your symptoms will get worse and worse until you have no choice except to stop and make change (or you die!) As women go through their menopause transition, they often start to experience new symptoms that appear to come out of nowhere. They haven’t come from nowhere and they are not caused by your hormones. In fact, hormones are simply messengers that pass messages between different cells in your body. Your reproductive hormones are quite protective and as these hormone levels come down you start to lose