Well Read Dames

Crescent City Book Club Discussion



We are back and recording virtually for the second episode of 2020! This episode of The Well Read Dames Book Club, we break down Sarah J. Maas' new book Crescent City, House of Earth and Blood. This is the first Maas book we've read besides the A Court of Thorns and Roses series which we loved and we found ourselves quickly immersed in this new fae world! Set in more modern times, with modern characters suffering from modern problems, we really enjoyed this book and the new world that Maas has created. Without giving the game away, this book kept us wanting more from the characters as we theorized future plot points and character arcs for the next book in the series! Since it is quarantine, grab your wine or drink of choice, put on your favorite sweatpants and join us for this book club discussion!