Ponderings From The Perch

Trends in Market Research Approaches with Tony Cheevers



What sets apart one research company from another? Each company will actually give you the same answer— quality. As Inigo Montoya says, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” We’re going to have to second that motion, Montoya. It’s inconceivable! Join Little Bird Momma Priscilla McKinney and Tony Cheevers, the Customer Success Officer with Researchscape International, as they dive into current trends and pet peeves when it comes to the world of market research.  One of the biggest trends Cheevers points out is that market research can have an accessibility gap where buyers feel like their requesting data from a black box that magically appears from behind a Wizard of Oz curtain. As he says, “It's not really a tool that's accessible. So I'd like to see some disruption in that area to make something that's more available, more accessible and more affordable across a broader spectrum.” And that’s what Researchscape International set out to do by creating a digital storefro