Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 6: The Gray’s Take On The 2018 Election



Want to know the best thing about being a counselor? I can read people’s minds! I knew you were dying for The Gray’s take on the mid-term elections…well you got it. The media and the politicians have had their chance to interpret the 2018 election, now it’s The Gray’s turn. This was a very important election that will set the tone not only for the 2020 presidential election, but for the future of the country. Based on how each side interprets why democrats won the house and why the republicans won the senate will set the stage for what they think the people want and how they will govern. Will Nancy Pelosi survive as the house speaker? Was this a referendum on Donald Trump? Was it more about people voting out incumbents? All of this is discussed and more.Joining Michael in the studio to dissect the election is “The Everyman” Domenic Buccilla and “The Professor” Richard DeVine for this very special episode of Gray Matters with Michael DeVine.Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of The Reporters Network family o