Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 7: I Didn’t Realize How Many People Were Forest Fire Fighters



In case you haven’t seen the news, but apparently the fastest growing occupation in America is forest fire fighter and you can become a certified expert in less than one week. Of course we are being facetious but the debate between people on facebook and talking heads on the media seem to think they are experts on fighting forest fires and who is to blame. Our president surely didn’t help when he tweeted out during the fires that Calfire and by-proxy the democratic state of California was largely to blame. Regardless of your opinions of the causes, Americans once again are egged into a fight with each other and taking sides to a debate that they really do not know anything about. It is like my 4 year-old daughter arguing with me that allergens are really tiny green monsters that reside in your nose and that she is going to tell mom on me that I am wrong. So, The Gray is once again diving into the metaphorical fire and taking this head on. Join us as we break down the facebook discussions between our followers