Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 8: Are Campaigns & The Media Going Too Far In Using Psychology For Votes & Ratings?



On the very first day of social psychology class, it wasn’t a coincidence that the first lesson was how campaigns and the media uses psychology to get votes and ratings. It is the inevitable result when the field of psychology started really understanding how humans work. Only in my field we use it to help people and business, politicians, and the media uses it to help themselves. One of the reasons that I didn’t go into the lucrative human factors field was because I felt as though it was selling myself to the devil and it went against my own internal moral compass.Now, I am not saying that it is bad to use psychology in any of these areas but what I am saying is that who is there to decide that maybe there is a line that you don’t cross? In the 1970’s it was the government drawing that line in the sand with subliminal advertising but since then we are trusting these industries to police themselves. With the rise of the internet and social media, no other time have these entities had a direct main line into