Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 9: Black Friday Night Fights: “The Brawl In The Mall”



Sounds like a great title for a MMA Pay-Per-View event doesn’t it? But unfortunately this isn’t a PPV event, this is the sad reality of the holiday season that just began. It seems like every year the violence in malls and retailers across the nation get worse and worse…yet retailers seem to up the ante every year. What started out as a discussion years ago about the holidays becoming less about family and faith and more about stuff we don’t need has now become a discussion about people getting hurt and killed over stuff they don’t need. A holiday that has people leaving their families on Thanksgiving, a holiday that is supposed to be about being with family and being thankful for what you have, to go a buy stuff that they don’t need and fight people for it.Something is just so wrong when people are getting hurt on a regular basis and videos all over the internet show something that more resembles the hunger games than anything else. To help us understand what the hell is going on we have our good friend neur