Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 12: An Honest Discussion About Age and Our Presidents With Special Guests Max Miller and Richard DeVine



Just 2 short years ago we had elected our oldest president Donald Trump at the young age of 70 years old, which will put him at 74 when he goes for re-election. Now this is not an article or a show that will try to say Donald Trump is a crazy old guy but I do want this show to be about an honest discussion about age and our presidents. Just the other day Joe Biden declared that he was the most qualified person to be president which would make him 78 years old when he would take office. Lets also discuss how the other expected front runners in 2020 are Bernie Sanders who would be 79, Elizabeth Warren who would be 71, and Hillary Clinton who would be 73.So think about this for a second, most of the major front runners would be well into their 70’s with some being in their 80’s when they got out of office. Now I am not bashing on older people and saying they can’t do the job, but what I am saying is that should we have serious looks at candidates and how their cognitive functioning is at this age? I used to work