Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 16: Is The Border Wall The Most Pressing Need In America?



I know this week’s episode is going to raise some debate but if The Gray didn’t take on the responsibility to discuss it then we shouldn’t even be on the air to begin with. For this week’s episode we take on the border wall and decide whether a border wall is the most pressing need in America and whether Trump was right to shut down the government in order to get it. As always we veer far off course in our discussion but always end up exactly where we need to in order to have the discussion that needed to be had on this topic.Before listening to the show the one question that I want everyone to ask themselves is what are the things that they worry about the most in their lives and the lives of their family members. Not what the media tells you but what you personally worry about the most and why you have that concern. That answer will serve as the basis for our show and our exploration into whether the wall should be built or more specifically when the wall should be built.This is a hot button issue that will