Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 19: The Shutdown Was The Canary In The Coal Mine



Maybe it was a 30 plus day government shutdown, maybe it was our president claiming that 800,000 federal workers were Democrats, maybe it was Nancy Pelosi using a shutdown to play politics and refuse to negotiate, or maybe it was Wilber Ross saying that he didn’t understand why not receiving a paycheck for over a month would make people go to a foodbank. Whatever it was, this shutdown was clear evidence that our government is full of people who put party above country and have absolutely no idea what real Americans are going through.I would say that the shutdown was the canary in the coal mine dying but that canary died years ago. In all reality the shutdown was a zombie canary that has died several times over and finally was beheaded like in The Walking Dead. But should we really be surprised that all of this is happening? What do we expect is going to happen when 50% of our government is made up of millionaires and Trumps team is made up of multi-millionaires and billionaires. We are talking about people wh