Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 20: Doctors Killing Patients Are Raising Questions But We Are Not Asking The Right Ones



A Mount Carmel Hospital doctor has been making the national news this month but for all of the wrong the reasons. While the motives surrounding how a doctor might over-prescribe Fentanyl has not been discovered, the press has been all over the hospital system, asking how this could happen. Th local and national press have been asking the whodunit type tabloid click bait questions but there are ever bigger questions that nobody is asking and more important, nobody is connecting how what is going on at this hospital is actually just a symptom of a much bigger problem in our healthcare system across this country.If we are truly going to have a debate about healthcare in this country then we need to actually look at what the real problems are and our elected officials have not been honest in explaining that to the public. If they would be honest, then we would all realize that none of their solutions work and that the only purpose of their rhetoric is to distract and divide us so the system stays the same. What a